Today we are visiting Tamilnadu, deciding what to cook for this state was a real task. So, i took my amma's help. I wanted to make something from the village. While regular chatting over the phone with amma, i told my dilemma and she gave me few options to cook for today's menu. I m planning to do one more post on Tamilnadu, if at all time permits.
I m presenting you today with this Simple rice gruel breakfast made from Leftover rice/Pazhaya Saadam. Now-a-days, we throw any leftover rice fearing bacterial growth/food poisoning. But actually, when prepared properly this leftover rice serves the best of nutrition.
Those days, none knew what is a refrigerator, all they do is to soak the leftover rice in water and leave it on the kitchen counter. Next day morning, they just add home-set curd, salt, onion and green chilies and little of arisi kanji/water drained from cooked rice. The mild fermentation promotes good bacteria which helps to maintain good gut health.
This healthy breakfast is known by different names in different cuisines. Like Pazham Kanji in our neighbhouring kerala, Saddi Annamu in Telugu and Panta bhath in Bengali. So, this recipe is like God, known by different name but promotes nothing but good health!!!
½ cup Leftover rice
Water to soak the rice (½ cup Maximum)
¼ cup Curd/yogurt
¼ Cup arisi kanji/water drained from cooked rice
4-5 pearl onions
1/ 2 a green chili
salt to taste (optional)
- Soak Leftover rice in water and leave it on the counter overnight or atleast 8 hours. The Water should just soak the rice, do not add more water.
- Next day morning, take the water soaked, add yogurt, arisi kanji, salt, ginger, green chili, chopped onions. Mash it well with your hands, or use our modern day blender and blend once. Eat/Drink it to your heart content.
Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 39
The Pumpkin Farm
this looks so soothing and soul pleasing
perfect coolant for summer!!!
Aww.. love your little pots... perfect saddannam, pots... cute presentation and wonderful for stomach,... real soothing 🙂
nothing can beat pazhyadhu 😀 my child hood menu n the morning
vaishali sabnani
Wow this is so so soothing...and surely one of the best things that can be relished with the temperatures soaring high..Pakhala Bhat from Orrisa is a similar recipe too.
Priya Suresh
Omg, wat a beautiful set up, incredible and wat a healthy dish, i love to have anytime, best while the weather is too hot..Such a lovely choice.
Varada's Kitchen
Love the rustic look with the mud pots. This is a very new dish to me but it sounds very healthy. Good one.
I can have the entire bowl in no time
The pictures are done so well Priya..very cute and wants me to grab it right away...This is quite common in our place as well..:)
Harini R
Very well presented, Priya and a nutritious and rustic one to boot!!
Such a simple and traditional dish. Love your presentation -- perfectly done.
I am loving those pots. Such a traditional dish. I remember something similar was ever prepared at my maternal grandparents
Nalini's Kitchen
Such a healthy and traditional dish...the earthenware looks so cute and its a good option for the dish...
love it that you chose to do pazhaya saadam. and love the mud pots. "Tamizh" feeling varudhu indhe post le
Chef Mireille
I had made the Bengali version but with the yogurt in your version you get double bacteria - very healthy use of leftover rise with good bacteria cultures
what a healthy dish. i believe it made in Orissa too.